Hi there!

Hi everyone! This is my blog for posting my stories that I write. For those of you that don't know I was katiecav over on fanfiction but due to some really harsh guest reviewers that basically decided to personally attack me, I decided to pull my stories from that site and merge them over here. I will eventually have all of my stories here, both Twilight and Pride and Prejudice Stories. all in one happy place! YAY! Plus I can post things like family trees and pictures over here for you to know where my inspiration comes from! Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

An Author's Forward

Dear Reader,

If you are a returning reader from when I first began this journey, (or even when I attempted to begin again) then thank you for returning. If you are new and have joined me for the first time then welcome. Thank you for choosing this story out of the thousands there are to read on this site. Mr. Bennet Takes a Wife is the product of a love for all things Austen and my overactive imagination. I started this with no intention of publishing in any way but as these chapters sat collecting dust I found I could not help myself but share my newest piece with you here. I hope that you all enjoy the finished product. I started to post this before I was perhaps ready and between a lack of inspiration and some personal struggles I had to stop with my writing. If you have returned you already know what those struggles are. At the end of August my grandmother lost her battle with cancer. I was lucky enough to spend the last few months of her life with her and while it hurts that she is no longer with us I know that she would not want me to shut myself off. She was the one that pushed me to pursue my writing so for her I determined to finish this story.

When I attempted to post over on the site fanfiction.net I was bullied by people who hid behind online anonymity and so I decided to pull my stories from that site and post elsewhere...hence this blog. I am also posting over on the writers coffee shop and as soon as my month long pre-screening wait is over I will also be posting at A Happy Assembly.

In keeping with the style of Ms. Austen herself, I decided that instead of writing headings at the start of each chapter, I settled on a forward. I want to take this time to explain several things. First of course is the overall theme of this story. This is a take on an often repeated theme in fanfiction, a what if situation. Many easily find fault with the minor Bennets in the original work, no one more so than the hero himself Mr. Darcy. However this lead me to wonder how things would have been different if Mrs. Bennet had not been in the picture. Are we truly a product of our environment or are some things unavoidable and in our very makeup? Though I am certainly not the first to ask this question, I hope that, with my original characters, I have added something new to this universe.

Now let me explain some of the other changes I have made in this work. I lost count on the number of reviews I received from people the first time I posted, trying to “helpfully” inform me on “mistakes” that I had made and how I had “gotten it wrong” because something I had wasn't as it was in the original story. So I am now going to write all of my changes and reasons here and when I receive such reviews I will just refer those readers to this first chapter. This isn't to say that I do not welcome your feedback, just know that if the only reason you are reviewing is to tell me that my story is different than the original you need not do so. I am well aware that I am not Miss Austen, I do not live in 1800's, and I did not come up with any of the wonderful stories that have been treasured for generations. However I did come up with this story and this is fanfiction. The whole purpose of this form of writing is to be able to change things as we like. After all this is my sandbox now and I can build it however I deem fit. If you do not like the changes I made I am sure there is another story on this site that will fit more to your tastes and I understand.

The fist change to discuss is the lineage of the original Mrs. Bennet and through this also the lineage of Mr and Mrs. Gardiner. In the original work Mr. Gardiner is referred to as “Mrs. Bennet's brother from town.” And I took that directly from the Pride and Prejudice text. However I want the Gardiner's to play a larger role in this work. And if they were simply only related to Mr. Bennet through his first marriage I couldn't see them doing that easily so I changed it. I made Mrs. Bennet, a Miss Smith before her marriage. Her family's position was not changed in essentials, just in name as I explain in the first chapter. I then made the Gardiner's a relation to Mr. Bennet a little more directly by making Mrs. Gardiner, Mr. Bennet's sister.

Another point of some strife for the earlier readers were the similarities that I had made between the original Mr. Darcy and my Mr. Bennet. Some assumed it was accidental but it was not. I meant for them to be very similar. This point really came about after a talk we had in my psychology class about how women who had a strong bond with their fathers growing up tend to marry men just like them. I also think the original Mr. Bennet is similar to Darcy anyway. Both of them are introverted gentlemen who are more comfortable around their families than with strangers. Neither of them take much pleasure in social events and both are in charge of young children. Also people are forgetting that we are seeing a different Mr. Bennet than in the original story. My Mr. Bennet is only a few years older than Mr. Darcy in the original. He also hasn't lived with the nervous, and lets face it annoying, Mrs. Bennet. The similarities between my protagonist Miss Baker and Miss Elizabeth Bennet I believe stem from their love of the outdoors, reading and the ability of individual thought. I really did not go out of my way to make Isabelle like Elizabeth, honestly I based her personality on myself and her appearance on my best friend. So for those that say she is too much like Elizabeth I shall just take that as a compliment. However I have changed a very important trait of Miss Baker from when I originally posted this story that will make her quite different from Elizabeth, and no I shan't spoil the surprise here. You shall just have to read on to find out!

I have made other minor changes to the plot and the time line of the original work, but none that really signify pointing out here in the forward. However if something is not perfectly in line with Miss Austen's original story you may assume that I meant for it to be so. This is at the end of the day a work of fiction.

I also need to point out that I wanted to write this in a regency style. However I am a twentieth century woman and I found quickly that I would never get it perfectly right. Therefore I am amending my style to a modified regency style. I will try to be as close to period as possible but do not expect perfection. I am a person not a machine and I will make mistakes. If you still feel the need to correct me, I of course welcome your input but remember that this a complete work and while I could possibly change my draft at home I will not be re-posting unless it is something completely horrendous.

I will also be publishing on this page an Index that will include my version of the Bennett Family Tree both the completed one that I will be working off of for all the stories including this one (Beware it contains spoilers), and then just the family tree for the family members that are alive now. I will also be posting several other reference things on that Index.

I have a lovely lady that looks over my story and helps me with content but I am looking for a third person who can help me with grammar and such. If you are interested please let me know. With that I give you the first chapter of Mr. Bennet Takes A Wife. Enjoy.


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